En route to completion !

Back online, with more resolve and motivation.


An end and a start

So it's been a long time since nothing happened here. Eventhough life went on, I changed work, moved home to a new city, moved in with a GF. I concider myself very lucky and when I look back to last few months, I realise that life is not so much a lemon giver. Anyway, on with the hobby. I registered to the ETL IV on B&C to get and keep me motivated. I lowered my pretentions and only whished to enter with a single inquisitor and warband. Now that I think I am able to manage my VPS server, I'll close this blog in favor of this new one : http://gw.krg-23.com There,...


Ordo Blogus

Well, so as to make sure I'm going to finish all that I have to assemble/paint, I made myself more visible to the community. I opened some P & M blogs on some of the main boards (at least for me) :  http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/568762.page http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?386251-Inquisitorial-Escort-The-Bleaux-Controversy I also changed the 'name' of my project and switch it to "Inquisitorial...


Step 1 : Winter is coming - the final result

After watching a bunch of videos thanks to DAKKA and WARSEER advisers, I realised a couple of things : there is the GW fur and the other furs. There is the "long thin S method" and the "V shape style". So I went for the "other GW S & V school"...  ;) I feel relieved that the fur is looking better, even though I had to keep the previous "side pelts". So as to stop brainstorming at work on how should I sculpt my Sprenger's pelt, I'll...


Step 1 : Winter is coming

I had a try at making some GS fur. I am, well, torn apart between thinking it looks good and it looks awkward. Let me read your thoughts on this please : I eventually cut it in two, as you may notice. The bottom right part will be added some claws What do you think ? I think it could be improved but I don't know in what ways ... Please let me know your C&C ...


Step 1 : quick update

A little update on this slow pace project. Inquisitor Dvorak got more than just a plain rejuvenat treat, he simply changed face. As for inquisitor Sprenger, he got a bit of a facelift too : His left arm will not be left as such, I plan on adding a kind of pelt to hide the gap of his armpit. And his back will be draped in a cloak. I am really new to GS manipulation so I'll follow a few tuts here and there ... If you stop by this post,...


Back again, part 4734 ...

So I've been away for more than a year and it's been full of activities. New GF, back on Aion, GF moving at my flat, new hobby impulse thanks to GF, etc ... All in all, she made me come back ! Now I am highly motived and under fierce adrenaline rush. I bought new stuff and realised that I do need some kind of plan to get things organised. I discovered a small PC program that will help me cut my project into smaller pieces. Here it is : http://www.warhammer-forum.com/index.php?showtopic=139155 It...


Some old stuff and new stuff

I go fed up with the drilling and torturing with my ogryns so I took care of some of Dvorak's henchmen. Just a temporary base to allow priming and think on a unity for the bases. So are available as henchmen for my Inquisitor : 3 FW cervo-skulls 1 cherubim 3 priests 5 Ogryns that count as either shooting or CC warriors 2 psykers I'll post pictures of the host sooner or later but that makes a lot of people. I think my inquisitor's front...


Ogryns - Part III

So I got to watch Starship Troopers Invasion and was like, waow ! A kind of way I see it ;) For those who did not watch it, here is a trailer : And therefore I chose to make the lower part of my Ogryns body like the marines'. I thinks it will fit more a GWish spirit rather than a Mangaesque feel. I hope to get moving on them by this weeke...


My tools

As years go by, I tend to acquire more and more tools. Here is a few of my precious tools that I use everytime I come back to the Hobby. A few carving tools. A classic for GS sculping. What we call a third hand in French. No need for descriptions on its use here.  A smallscale vise for my heavy drilling. And my Ogryns torturer, my mini driller. Of course there are a few other things which are just custom made or use as...


Ogryns - Part II

Now is the time to go on with the drilling. A second Ogryn is under heavy polishing. I am also trying to figure out how to make their heavy bolters. It's going smoothly but I'll try to make a manga-like drum feeder. Stay tuned, I off on holidays for week, there surely will be more to come...